MRCEM OSCE course is helpful for those planning to attempt the exam within next few months. Once you have cleared the MRCEM Primary and Intermediate, there’s a final obstacle you need clear before getting certified as MRCEM [Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine]. To know more about MRCEM OSCE, go through the following blog posts.
The OSCE exam consists of 16 stations of 8 minutes each. Before each station, you have 1 minute to read the station scenario / score distribution [whether it has more marks for history or examination or skill demonstration etc], then enter the station, perform and get out before going through the next station.
The time between stations is only 1minute. In that minute, you need to come out of the previous room and read the scenario for the next station/room. It’s really important that you make a note of what carries more marks. If you are getting carried away, some examiners do prompt asking you to look at the question / scenario one more time [For example, if you are spending / wasting time with history taking where you are supposed to do some procedure].
Station list
The list is given by RCEM. They have the right to follow or change the stations as per local availability of actors or equipment at the Examination venue.
Station number | Station type | Specialty Learning Outcome |
1 – 3 | Complex stable patient | SLO-1 |
4 – 5 | Answer questions | SLO-2 |
6 – 7 | Resus | SLO-3 |
8 – 9 | Injured patient | SLO-4 |
10 | PEM | SLO-5 |
11 – 12 | Procedural skills | SLO-6 |
13 – 14 | Complex challenging situations | SLO-7 |
15 – 16 | Supervise & teach | SLO-9 |
We have an OFFLINE MRCEM OSCE course at Hyderabad, India. This is the best way to test yourself with physical testing which is exactly how it is in the final exam. Once the circuit starts, it goes on as per schedule and you will see how you fare during such stressful time.

[ 1min to read station –> 8min to perform ] X 16 circuits with 4 break stations
You have no time to waste. Do not think about previous station once you come out. Focus on next one.
The ONLINE MRCEM OSCE course can be attended from anywhere with a good internet connection and least amount of disturbance. You will be online with an examiner for each station. You’ll have a class before the Test day to guide you on how to perform better.

Either way, you will go through 9 stations at a time. A bad internet connection can spoil your session. If the connection issues are from our side, we will organize another session for you. If it is from your side, no refunds will be issued and no extra sessions will be planned for you. Attend from a laptop or desktop.
But do note, some stations which involve equipment in skill based OSCE stations [like POP application or Thomas splint application etc.] cannot be simulated in ONLINE mode.
You must clear at least 1 resuscitation OSCE to pass, no matter how good you perform in other OSCE stations.
Though resuscitation OSCE involves team and mannequins, we will still organize it locally while you perform online as it is very important.
MRCEM OSCE Course Schedule
Get in touch on WhatsApp to book your place. Fee is 10,000. You may book if you can travel to Hyderabad on that day.
SLOTS will be limited (Max 9 bookings per session).
Book immediately once we open bookings.
Last Updated on October 2, 2023 by Admin