Congratulations on clearing MRCEM Primary. The next question on your mind could be, what are all the MRCEM intermediate SBA preparation resources that help you to prepare well. In this blog post we’ll try to list ideas on How to prepare for MRCEM Intermediate SBA exam.
If all this seems overwhelming, we do offer revision classes that cover most of these topics in a short span to help you revise faster. Check the dates by clicking below
To pinpoint your preparation, you need to be aware of the curriculum. To help us out, the RCEM has created a website “RCEM curriculum“. Frankly, the website isn’t written in a way that trainees from other countries can understand fully. You may take a look at the website anyway to get some guidance. Check the syllabus module on that website to know in which topics you are expected to be thorough. The SLO pages will tell you how what kind of knowledge is required in topics listed under the syllabus page.
Let’s go through the SLOs (SPECIALTY LEARNING OUTCOMES) one by one.
For SLO (Speacialty learning outcomes) – 1,
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
AP1. Acute allergy
AC1. Drug allergy /severe Adverse drug reactions
AP2. Anaphylactoid reactions
AP3. Angioedema
AP4. Urticaria
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
CP1. Chest pain
CC1. Acute Coronary Syndromes
CP2. Breathlessness
CC2. Myocardial infarction
CP3. Palpitations
CC3. Arrhythmias
CP4. Transient Loss of Consciousness
CC4. Cardiac failure
CC5. Cardiac tamponade
CC6. Congenital heart disease
CC7. Diseases of the arteries, including aortic dissection
CC8. Diseases of myocardium
CC9. Hypertensive emergencies
CC10. Pacemaker function & failure
CC11. Pericardial disease
CC12. Sudden Cardiac Death
CC13. Valvular heart disease
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
DP1. Dermatological manifestations of systemic illness
DC1. Common childhood exanthems (Peds)
DP2. Rashes
DC2. Cutaneous drug reactions
DC3. Eczema
DC4. Erythroderma
DC5. Infections of skin and soft tissues
DC6. Necrotising Fasciitis
DC7. Pressure ulcers
DC8. Purpuric rash including (Henoch Scholein Purpura – Peds)
DC9. Stevens-Johnson syndrome
DC10. Toxic-epidermal necrolysis
DC11. Urticaria
Ear, nose and throat
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
EP1. ENT foreign bodies
EC1. Croup (Peds)
EP2. ENT injuries
EC2. Epiglottitis
EP3. Epistaxis
EC3. Glandular Fever
EP4. Hearing loss
EC4. LMN facial nerve palsy
EP5. Painful ear
EC5. Meniere’s disease
EP6. Sore throat
EC6. Nasal fractures
EP7. Vertigo
EC7. Otitis externa
EC8. Otitis media
EC9. Pharyngitis
EC10. Post-tonsillectomy bleed (Peds)
EC11. Tonsillitis
EC12. Tracheostomy emergencies
EC13. Quinsy
EC14. Salivary gland disease
EC15. Vestibular neuritis
Elderly care / frailty
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
ElP1. Delirium
ElC1. Comprehensive geriatric assessment
ElP2.Deterioration in mobility
ElC2.Acute confusion
ElP3. Falls
ElC3. Ceiling of care & End of life care
ElP4. Fragility fractures
ElC4. Dementia – cognitive impairment
ElP5. Frailty
ElC5. Fragility fractures
ElP6. Hypothermia
ElC6. Mobility
ElP7. Incontinence
ElC7. Osteoporosis
ElP8. Increasing care needs
ElC8. Pharmacology considerations in the older patient
ElP9. Memory loss
ElP10. Unsteadiness / balance disturbance
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
EnP1. Addisonian Crisis
EnC1. Adrenal disorders
EnP2. Hyperglycaemia
EnC2. Diabetic ketoacidosis
EnP3. Hypoglycaemia
EnC3. Diabetes mellitus & complications including diabetic foot
EnC4. Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
EnC5. Pituitary disorders
EnC6. Thyroid emergencies
Environmental emergencies
Condition / Issues
EnvC1.Heat stroke and heat exhaustion
EnvC2. Drug-related hyperthermias
EnvC3. Hypothermia and frost bite
EnvC4. Decompression sickness
EnvC5. Near-drowning
EnvC6. Radiation exposure and safety
EnvC7. Industrial chemical incidents
EnvC8. Bites and envenomations typical for the UK
EnvC9. High altitude emergencies – cerebral and pulmonary oedema
EnvC10. Acid attacks
Gastroenterology and hepatology
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
GP1. Abdominal and loin pain
GC1. Alcohol related liver disease including withdrawal
GP2. Abdominal swelling or mass
GC2. Decompensated cirrhosis
GP3. Ascites
GC3. Dehydration in children (Peds)
GP4. Constipation
GC4. Functional bowel disorders
GP5. Diarrhoea
GC5. Gastrointestinal infections
GP6. Haematemesis and melaena
GC6. Hepatitis
GP7. Jaundice
GC7. Inflammatory bowel disease
GP8. Anal pain and rectal bleeding
GC8. Peptic ulcer disease
GP9. Nausea and vomiting
GC9. Pyloric stenosis (Peds)
GP10. Dysphagia
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
HP1. Anaemia
HC1. Anti-coagulant reversal
HP2. Bruising and spontaneous bleeding
HP3. Massive haemorrhage
HC3. Haemophilia
HC5. Leukaemia
HC6. Lymphoma
HC7. Marrow failure
HC8. Sickle cell disease/crisis
HC9. Transfusion reactions
Infectious diseases
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
IP1. Fever
IC1. Influenza
IP2. Pyrexia in travellers
IC2. Infection in immunocompromised patients
IP3. Sepsis
IC3. Infestations
IP4. Needlestick injury/exposure to blood borne viruses
IC4. Kawasaki Disease (Peds)
IC5. Notifiable diseases
IC6. Pyrexia of Unknown origin – different age groups
IC7. Malaria
IC6. HIV infection
Maxillofacial / dental
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
MaP1. Dental pain
MaC1. Dental abscess
MaP2. Facial swelling
MaC2. Facial wounds
MaP3. Avulsed or fractured teeth
MaC3. Post extraction complications
MaP4. Facial bone injury
MaC4. TMJ dislocation
Mental Health
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
MHP1. Aggressive or disturbed behaviour
MHC1. Alcohol and substance misuse
MHP2. Anxiety/Panic
MHC2. Depression
MHP3. Physical symptoms unexplained by organic disease
MHC3. Eating disorders
MHP4. Self-harm
MHC4. Personality disorders
MHP5. Refusal of treatment
MHC5. Acute Psychosis including bipolar, schizophrenia
MHC6. Somatic symptom disorders
MHC7. Stress disorders
MHC8. Suicide
Musculoskeletal (non-traumatic)
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
MuP1. Acute back pain
MuC1. Cauda equina syndrome
MuP2. Limb pain and swelling
MuC2. Crystal related arthropathies
MuP3. Neck pain
MuC3. Septic arthritis
MuP4. Joint swelling
MuC4. Limb pain and swelling: bursitis & tendonitis in the upper and lower limb including ruptured biceps, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, carpal tunnel and other entrapment neuropathies plus sinister causes bone tumour, stress fracture
MuP5. Acute hot swollen joint
MuC5. Spinal pain and radiculopathy
MuC6. Risks of rheumatological disease modifying drugs
MuC7. Spinal infections
MuC8. Torticollis (Peds)
MuC9. Limping child (Peds)
MuC10. Osteochondritis (Peds)
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
NepP1. Electrolyte disorders
NepC1. Acute kidney injury
NepP2. Oliguria
NepC2. Drugs and the kidney
NepC3. Electrolyte disorders
NepC4. Fluid balance disorders
NepC5. Renal replacement therapy
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
NeuP1. Acute Confusion
NeuC1. Botulism
NeuP2. Headache
NeuC2. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
NeuP3. Seizures/status epilepticus
NeuC3. Febrile Convulsion (Peds)
NeuP4. Speech disturbance
NeuC4. Functional illness
NeuP5. Hemiparesis/hemiplegia
NeuC5. Guillian-Barre
NeuP6. Gait abnormality
NeuC6. Meningitis and encephalitis
NeuP7. Visual disturbance
NeuC7. Multiple sclerosis
NeuP8. Weakness/paralysis
NeuC8. Myasthenia gravis
NeuP9. Dizziness and vertigo
NeuC9. Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders
NeuC10. Peripheral neuropathy (acute)
NeuC11. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
NeuC12. Stroke & TIA
NeuC13. Tetanus
NeuC14. Tumours involving the brain and spinal cord
NeuC15. VP Shunts
NeuC16. Wernicke’s Encephalopathy
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
ObP1. Pelvic pain
ObC1. Ante-partum haemorrhage
ObP2. Vaginal bleeding
ObC2. Bleeding in early pregnancy
ObP3. Pregnancy
ObC3. Exposure to infections during pregnancy eg chickenpox
ObP4. Genital injury/Assault
ObC4. Ectopic pregnancy
ObP5. Vaginal discharge
ObC5. Genital injury /Female Genital Mutilation
ObP6. Foreign bodies
ObP7. Patient in labour
ObC7. Heavy menstrual bleeding
ObC8. Hyperemesis Gravidaram
ObC9. Maternal Collapse
ObC10. Post-partum haemorrhage
ObC11. Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia
ObC12. Pelvic infection
ObC13. Post menopausal bleeding
ObC14. Prescribing in pregnancy
ObC15. Rhesus D prophylaxis
ObC16. Sepsis in and following pregnancy
ObC17. Thrombosis during and following pregnancy
ObC18. Trauma in pregnancy
Oncological Emergencies
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
OncP1. Acute presentations of undiagnosed cancer that may present to the ED (including weight loss, dysphagia, pain etc)
OncC1. Complications related to local tumour progression e.g. acute cord compression, upper airway obstruction, pericardial and pleural effusions, SVC compression syndrome, raised intracranial pressure
OncC2. Complications relating to cancer treatment including – neutropenic sepsis, anaemia and thrombocytopenia and immunotherapy
OncC3. Biochemical complications of malignancy- hypercalcaemia, SIADH, adrenocortical insufficiency
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
OptP1. Diplopia
OptC1. Acute glaucoma
OptP2. Eye trauma including foreign bodies
OptC2. Cranial nerve palsy
OptP3. Painful eye
OptC3. Orbital & per-orbitalpreseptal or peri-orbitalcellulitis
OptP4. Red eye
OptC4. Opthalmia neonatorum (Peds)
OptP5. Sudden visual loss
OptC5. Inflammatory eye disease
OptC6. Temporal arteritis
Pain & sedation
This is listed under Trauma (SLO-4) and Procedural skills and Basic anaesthesia (SLO6) also.
Condition / Issues
PC1. Analgesics
PC2. Non-pharmacological methods of pain management
PC3. Pain assessment
PC4. Sedation
Pharmacology and poisoning
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
PhP1. Medication side effects/interactions
PhC1. Overdose of prescription and non-prescription medications including legal and non-legal drugs
PalP1. Advanced malignancy and end stage chronic disease
PalC1. Advanced care planning
PalC2. Anticipatory medications
PalC3. End stage organ failure
PalC4. Pain management
PalC5. Physical symptoms other than pain
PalC6. Psychosocial concerns including spiritual care and care of the family
PalC7. The dying patient
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
TP1. Head injury
TC1. Compartment syndrome
TP2. Spinal injury
TC2. Limb and joint injury including bony, musculo-tendinous and complications
TP3. Chest and lung injury
TC3. Electrical burns
TP4. Major vascular injury
TC4. Salter- Harris classification
TP5. Abdominal injury
TC5. Infection – paronychia, pulp space, flexor sheath nail bed, amputations etc.
TP6. Pelvic injury
TC6. Animal bites including human
TP7. Limb and joint injury
TC7. Injury to bladder, urethra, testes or penis
TP8. Burns
TP9. Inhalational injury
TP10. Wounds
Other clinical presentations
Condition / Issues
XC1. Major Incident Management
XC3. Safeguarding in adults
XC4. Domestic Abuse
Pediatric emergencies
Apart from the neonatal topics listed underneath, Some of the sections listed above have some pediatric topics which are marked with (Peds) next to the topic. Make sure you cover them too as part of your preparation.
Safeguarding and Psycho-social emergencies in children
Clinical Presentations
Condition / Issues
SaP1. Self-harm in children and adolescents
SaC1. Conditions presenting as a symptom of NAI or psychological distress, e.g. deliberate self harm, aggression or risk-taking behaviour, recurrent abdominal pain, headaches or faints, recurrent attendances in young children.
SaP2. Concerning presentation
SaC2. Roles of other systems in protecting children, e.g. Social Services, the Child Protection Plan, Police Child Protection and Domestic Violence Units, SureStart, Childline, Health Visitors, School Nurses
SaC3. Mental illness in childhood including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar and schizophrenia
SaC4. Sexual abuse
Procedural skills and Basic anaesthesia
Advanced airway management
Chest drain
External pacing
Fracture/ dislocation manipulation
Lumbar puncture
Pain and sedation (Covered in SLO-4 and SLO-1 also)
POCUS (Point of care Ultrasound)
Vascular access in emergency- IO, femoral vein
Wound management
RCEM has made an amazing job here with a great list of materials to get yourself familiarize with all the procedures needed as part of SLO 6 (File updated May 2021)
The resources are not enough but should help you gain a decent insight about the curriculum. If you happen to find some helpful resources for a specific topic, do let us know to improve this article.
If you need help, please check our revision courses that cover a lot of topics in a short time.