Anatomy for MRCEM primary exam

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Upper limb Anatomy

Teres Major muscle

Surface markings, actions and nerve supply of Teres Major

OriginLower third of lateral border of Scapula
InsertionMedial Lip of intertubercular sulcus of the Humerus
Nerve supplyLower subscapular nerve
ActionsAdduction and Medial rotation of the arm and stabilizes shoulder joint

Teres Major Origin and Insertions – Image modified from BodyParts3D, © The Database Center for Life Science licensed under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 Japan

Teres major attaches at Medial (lesser crest) lip while pectoralis major attaches at Lateral lip.

When this muscle contracts, the Humerus is pulled towards the body (adduction) and as it’s attached on the anterior side anterior side is pulled medially resulting in medial rotation of the arm.

Check previous lesson for Subscapularis muscle and Next lesson for Teres Minor muscle.


Last Updated on April 15, 2021 by Admin